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Fig. 5 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 5

From: RUNX1 promotes angiogenesis in colorectal cancer by regulating the crosstalk between tumor cells and tumor associated macrophages

Fig. 5

RUNX1 induces crosstalk between CRC cells and TAMs to promote tumor angiogenesis. A Correlation analysis of the expression of RUNX1 and CD31 in different stages of CRC tissues by IHC. B Representative H&E and CD31 IF analysis of orthotopic CRC tumors in nude mice. Scale bars: 200 μm. C The number of blood vessels in H&E sections of orthotopic tumor. (n = 4, P < 0.01). D In vivo CAM assay. Photographs of the CAM assay showing a 9th day fertilized egg subjected to PBS, HCT116 NC-derived CMs, HCT116 RUNX1OE-derived CMs, THP-1-derived CMs, HCT116 NC/THP-1 co-culture-derived CMs, HCT116 RUNX1OE/THP-1 co-culture-derived CMs. E The ratio of vascular area to CAM area was calculated using the software ImageJ. F (left) Matrigel plug assay in nude mice. Representative H&E (g-l) and CD31 IHC (m-r) staining analysis of the viscous plugs. Scale bars: 100 μm. (right) The number of blood vessels in H&E sections of orthotopic tumor (n = 3, P < 0.001)

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