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Table 2 Multivariable Cox regression analysis of prognostic factors of outcome in 90 LUAD patients

From: LINC01559 promotes lung adenocarcinoma metastasis by disrupting the ubiquitination of vimentin


Overall survival

HRb (95%CI)

P value

High LINC01559 expression (upper tertile as the cut off)a

2.193 (1.272–3.781)


Stages III-IVc

3.127 (1.699–5.755)


Age > 60 years

1.659 (0.983–2.801)


  1. aLINC01559 expression levels were considered high or low in relation to the upper tertile level of expression in all tumors analyzed
  2. bHazard ratios were calculated as the antilogs of the regression coefficients in the proportional hazards regression. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was performed following the inclusion of the three above-listed factors into the Cox regression model
  3. cTumor stage was categorized as favorable (American Joint Committee on Cancer stages I-II) or unfavorable (American Joint Committee on Cancer stages III-IV)