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Fig. 3 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 3

From: Ribosome profiling: a powerful tool in oncological research

Fig. 3

Ribosome profiling boosted the revelation of metabolic reprogramming in cancers. This figure summarizes some of the characteristic changes in the cellular metabolism of cancer cells, as revealed by ribosome profiling. METTL3 promotes GLUT1 translation by inducing m6A modification of GLUT1 mRNA. NAT10/SEPT9/HIF-1α positive feedback loop promotes the expression of SEPT9 and PDK-1, leading to glycolysis addiction. Pep-AP, encoded by lncRNA AP002387.2, inhibits the expression of TALDO1, thus impairing the pentose phosphate pathway and sensitizing CRC cells to oxaliplatin. Another lncRNA-encoded protein, HOXB-AS3, affects the selective splicing of PKM exon 9 to favor the formation of PKM1 over PKM2. GPD1, which links glycolysis to lipid biosynthesis, is upregulated in BTSCs. METTL8 and SHMT2 affect the respiratory chain. PYCR1 catalyzes the last step of proline biosynthesis and is upregulated in kidney and invasive breast carcinomas. In addition, DLAT upregulation is required for PM2.5-induced tumorigenesis in NSCLC. Red arrows and blue “T” shapes stand for promotive and inhibitory effects respectively. Characters in blue represent micropeptides/microproteins encoded by lncRNAs

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