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Table 2 Summary of studies on sBTLA in cancer

From: BTLA biology in cancer: from bench discoveries to clinical potentials

Group [Ref]


sBTLA in cancer

Correlation with OS

Wang et al. [103]



Yes; negative correlation

Bian et al. [104]



Yes; negative correlation

Patients with high level of sBTLA (> 1.91 ng/ml) had shorter OS (3.4 vs. 17.4 months)

Dong et al. [105]



Yes; negative correlation

Patients with high level of sBTLA (> 395 pg/ml) had shorter OS (8.4 vs. 20.3 months)

Fanale et al. [106]



Yes; negative correlation

Patients with high level of sBTLA (> 2.78 ng/ml) had shorter OS (24 vs. 32 months)

Wang et al. [107]


sBTLA levels were associated with cancer aggressiveness

Yes; negative correlation

High sBTLA levels correlated with shorter time to progression

Sordo-Bahamonde et al. [57]


↑ sBTLA levels in sera compared to HC;

↑ levels of sBTLA in the advanced Rai vs. 0 stage and Binet C stage;

↑ levels of sBTLA in patients with cytogenetic alterations

Yes; negative correlation

Gorgulho et al. [108]

solid malignancies

↑ sBTLA levels compared to HC;

Correlation of sBTLA levels with the frequency of peripheral blood CD3 + CD8 + BTLA + T-cells;

↑ sBTLA levels in patients with the UICC stage IV than stage III

Yes; negative correlation

Patients with high level of sBTLA (311.64 pg/mL) had shorter OS (138 vs. 526 days)

Świderska et al. [109]


↑ serum and peritoneal fluid sBTLA levels compared to HC

Yes; negative correlation

Wang et al. [110]


No association found

No correlation

Peng et al. [111]


sBTLA was rarely expressed in serum


Botticelli et al. [112]


No correlation with clinical features found

No correlation

  1. HC-healthy controls, ccRCC - clear cell renal cell carcinoma, PDAC - pancreatic adenocarcinoma, HCC - advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, OC - advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer, PCa - prostate cancer, CLL - chronic lymphocytic leukemia, EOC - epithelial ovarian cancer, NSCLC - non-small cell lung carcinoma, HNCa - advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer