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Fig. 6 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 6

From: Long-read transcriptome landscapes of primary and metastatic liver cancers at transcript resolution

Fig. 6

Long-read transcriptome profiles and characteristics of liver metastases. a. Expression patterns of well differentiated transcripts, visualized through a t-SNE projection of CRLM, BCLM, OCLM, and primary cancers and corresponding normal samples. b. Volcano plot displaying DETs in CRLM, BCLM, and OCLM compared to primary cancer from TCGA. Red and blue dots represent transcripts that were significantly upregulated and downregulated (FDR < 0.05), respectively. c. Pathway enrichment analysis of genes associated with upregulated transcripts. d. GO analysis of genes associated with downregulated transcripts. e. Comparison of the number of novel transcripts to annotated GENCODE transcripts for genes associated with EMT. f. Heatmap illustrating the expression of novel transcripts of EMT genes in tissues from individual LM patients

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