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Fig. 5 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 5

From: Long-read transcriptome landscapes of primary and metastatic liver cancers at transcript resolution

Fig. 5

Tissue-specific transcript reprogramming is associated with accessible transposable elements and altered transcription start sites. a-b. GSEA was performed on liver-specific transcripts and testis-specific transcripts obtained from the GTEx database. The transcripts were ranked based on the log2-fold change of the TPM values between HCC and HCC-NT samples. c. The percentage of isoform switching events that involve the presence of TEs. d. Identification of H3K27ac modification and ATAC-seq peaks associated with TEs in HCC and HCC-NT groups. e. Distribution of TE classes among accessible TEs in HCC and HCC-NT groups. f. Enrichment analysis of the genomic distribution of accessible TEs in HCC and HCC-NT. g. Distribution of accessible TEs in gene promoters and TSSs derived from TEs in HCC and HCC-NT. h. Analysis of H3K27ac occupancy profiles surrounding accessible TSSs derived from TEs in isoform switch transcripts of HCC and HCC-NT

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