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Fig. 2 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 2

From: Long-read transcriptome landscapes of primary and metastatic liver cancers at transcript resolution

Fig. 2

Profiling of significant differentially expressed RNA transcripts between primary HCC and matched nontumor liver tissues. a. Correlation between gene expression levels obtained from RNA-seq and the number of transcript isoforms detected by Iso-seq. Genes are grouped into quartiles based on expression levels: low (first quartile), median (second and third quartiles), and high (fourth quartile). b. Volcano plot illustrating DETs in HCC and HCC-NT. Red and blue dots represent significantly upregulated and downregulated transcripts (FDR < 0.05), respectively. c. Venn diagram showing the overlap between DETs and DEGs between HCC and HCC-NT. DET-s, DET-specific. DEG-S, DEG-specific. d. Pathway enrichment analysis for genes associated with DETs. e. Top, Venn diagram indicating the number of common and SRTs in HCC and HCC-NT samples. SRTs are defined as a fold change larger than 10 between tumour and paired adjacent nontumor tissues. HCC-S, HCC-specific. HCC-NT-S, HCC-NT specific. Bottom, distribution of isoform numbers for HCC SRTs. f. GO analysis of HCC SRT-associated genes. g. Pathway enrichment analysis of HCC SRTs. h. Structure of AKR1C2 and AKR1B10 transcripts in HCC and HCC-NT samples

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