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Fig. 5 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 5

From: Multi-faceted attributes of salivary cell-free DNA as liquid biopsy biomarkers for gastric cancer detection

Fig. 5

Genetic identity of ScfDNA in cancer vs. noncancer donors. (A) Number of peaks for Scf DNA reads, ratio of number of peaks to total number of Scf DNA reads, each dot representing each sample, p value = 0.0447, Student’s t test, Welch’s correction (B) Area under receiver operating curve = 0.67. (C) Difference between observed over expected peaks formed by ScfDNA in cancer (Peach) in noncancer (Turquoise) cohort, each dot representing each sample, p value < 0.05, Multiple t test without considering consistency of SD, uncorrected. (D) The relative coverage of ScfDNA fragments for the 5’ UTR, promoters, introns, and exons from the center of the peak in samples from noncancer (Turquoise) and cancer (Peach) donors. The mean (solid line) and SEM (shading) of the data are shown. (E) Chord plot demonstrating different genes contributing to ScfDNA forming significant peaks from promoter, intronic and exonic elements in the cancer and noncancer cohorts. G. Significantly different genes in the cancer and noncancer cohorts contributing to ScfDNA reads from different genomic elements, such as introns and promoters. p value < 0.05, Multiple t test without considering consistency of SD, uncorrected

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