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Fig. 4 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 4

From: Extracellular miR-6723-5p could serve as a biomarker of limbal epithelial stem/progenitor cell population

Fig. 4

miRNA targets validation. a Ct values obtained for the amplification of miR-6723-5p, miR-3648, miR3940-5p, and miR-4449 by RT-qPCR using the RNA extraction workflow described in Fig. 1. Control media is depicted in orange color. Multiple comparisons tested with *: Kruskal-Wallis or $: 2 way ANOVA tests respectively. NA: Not Available due to low RNA recovery efficiency in arm 1A. b Plotted values of miR-6723-5p relative expression against ΔP63αbright cell percentage. R2 indicates the Pearson correlation value between the two variables. c Relative expression of miR-3648, miR-3940-5p and miR-4449 in samples from two datasets classified in HIGH (orange) and LOW (blue) groups. Relative expression of miR-3648 and miR-3940-5p have been multiplied by 100 and 10,000 respectively to facilitate representation. d Representative fluorescent staining of miR-6723-5p (red) in both central cornea (A,B) and limbus (D,E) using the miRNAscope assay. Panels C and F correspond to higher magnification of squared areas in panels B and E respectively. Scale bar is set at 50 μm

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