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Table 1 HNSCC Patient Characteristics

From: A preliminary analysis of interleukin-1 ligands as potential predictive biomarkers of response to cetuximab

Patient characteristics


(n = 34)

% (n)

no cetuximab

(n = 130)

% (n)

p value


71% (24)

83% (108)

p = 0.10


29% (10)

17% (22)

Mean age [range]

58.8 [35–82]

56.3 [19–80]

p = 0.22

Stage at diagnosis

 I, II

12% (4)

9% (12)

p = 0.67


88% (30)

90% (117)


0% (0)

1% (1)

HPV status


15% (5)

18% (24)

p = 0.85


26% (9)

26% (34)


59% (20)

52% (70)



53% (18)

31% (40)

p = 0.043


35% (12)

58% (75)


12% (4)

12% (15)

Received radiation therapy


74% (25)

77% (100)

p = 0.92


12% (4)

10% (13)


15% (5)

13% (17)

Treatment best response

 Complete response

26% (9)

42% (55)

p = 0.004

 Partial response

3% (1)

2% (3)

 Stable disease

3% (1)

1% (1)

 Progressive disease

21% (7)

3% (4)


47% (16)

53% (69)