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Table 1 Surface modification of dental implants with BMPs

From: Dental implant bioactive surface modifications and their effects on osseointegration: a review


Animal – bone site

Mode of surface modification

Length of study


Becker et al. [24]

Dog – mandible and tibia

1. C: sand-blasted and acid-etched

2. CSA

3. BMP-A: non-covalently immobilized rhBMP-2 (596 ng/cm2)

4. BMP-B: covalently immobilized rhBMP-2 (819 ng/cm2)

4 weeks

BIC and BD: BMP-B > BMP-A > CSA > C

Lan et al. [25]

Rabbit - femur

1. A: with rhBMP-2

2. B: without rhBMP-2

12 weeks

- Pull-out strength: A (36.5 N) > B (27.6 N)

- Bone formation: A > B

Liu et al. [26]

Pig – maxilla

1. Ti + CaP + BMP-2 inc

2. Ti + CaP + BMP-2 ads

3. Ti + CaP + BMP-2 ads + inc

4. Ti + CaP

5. Ti + BMP-2 ads

6. Ti

3 weeks

- Bone volume was highest for Ti & CaP and lowest for CaP/BMP-2 ads

- Bone-interface coverage of the implant surface was highest for CaP and lowest for Ti/BMP-2 ads

Wikesjo et al. [27]

Dog - mandible

1. TPO + rhBMP-2 (0.2 mg/ml) ads

2. TPO + rhBMP-2 (4.0 mg/ml) ads

3. TPO (control)

8 weeks

% of BIC:

- TPO surfaces coated with 0.2 mg/ml rhBMP-2: 43.3% vs. TPO control: 71.7%

- TPO surfaces coated with 4 mg/ml rhBMP-2: 35.4% vs. TPO control: 68.2%

Wikesjo et al. [28]

Monkey - maxilla

1. TPO + rhBMP-2 (2.0 mg/ml) ads

2. TPO + rhBMP-2 (0.2 mg/ml) ads

3. TPO (control)

16 weeks

% of BIC

- Uncoated TPO surfaces: 74 - 75%

- TPO surfaces coated with 2.0 mg/ml rhBMP-2: 43%

- TPO surfaces coated with 0.2 mg/ml rhBMP-2: 37%

Huh et al. [29]

Dog - mandible

1. rhBMP-2 coated implants

2. uncoated anodized implants (control)

8 weeks

% of BIC

- Uncoated control: 40.16%

- rhBMP-2 coated: 41.88%

Implant stability test

- Uncoated control: ISQ = 74.27

- rhBMP-2 coated: ISQ = 79.21

Hunziker et al. [30]

Pig - maxilla

1. Ti

2. Ti + CaP

3. Ti + rhBMP-2 (10 μg) ads

4. Ti + CaP + rh BMP-2 (10 μg) ads

5. Ti + CaP + rh BMP-2 (12.95 μg) inc

6. Ti + CaP + rhBMP-2 ads + inc

1, 2, and 3 weeks

Volume fraction of total bone

- Ti + CaP + BMP-2, with either ads or inc or both, have the highest values at 1 week

- Ti + CaP + BMP-2 inc and Cap groups have the highest values at 2 weeks

- Ti + CaP + BMP-2 inc and Cap groups have the highest values at 3 weeks

Kim et al. [31]

Dog - mandible

1. SLA (control)

2. SLA + rhBMP-2 (0.1 mg/mL)

3. SLA + rhBMP-2 (0.5 mg/mL)

4. SLA + rhBMP-2 (1 mg/mL)

8 weeks

% of BIC

- Control: Buccal: 0.67%; Lingual: 23.37%

- rhBMP-2 (0.1 mg/mL): Buccal: 10.24%; Lingual: 26.50%

- rhBMP-2 (0.5 mg/mL): Buccal: 24.47%; Lingual: 35.45%

- rhBMP-2 (1 mg/mL): Buccal: 18.42%; Lingual: 33.43%


- Control: Buccal: 2.77%; Lingual: 46.50%

- rhBMP-2 (0.1 mg/mL): Buccal: 13.30%; Lingual: 60.50%

- rhBMP-2 (0.5 mg/mL): Buccal: 33.67%; Lingual: 66.17%

- rhBMP-2 (1 mg/mL): Buccal: 35.67%; Lingual: 65.00%

Implant stability test

- Control: ISQ = 60.17

- rhBMP-2 (0.1 mg/mL): ISQ = 64.83

- rhBMP-2 (0.5 mg/mL): ISQ = 71.67

- rhBMP-2 (1 mg/mL): ISQ = 72.00

  1. CSA chromosulfuric acid surface-enhanced; BIC bone to implant contact; BD bone density; Ti titanium; CaP calcium phosphate; BMP bone morphogenetic protein; inc incorporated; ads adsorbed; TPO titanium porous oxide; SLA sandblasted and acid-etched surface